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NOTE! If you are told to evacuate, then GO! Do not rely on this map as an excuse to ignore an order to evacuate.

This map displays authoritative data from GIS (Geographical Information System) servers operated by government agencies. Each time you open the map the most recent data that is hosted on government server(s) will be displayed on your screen.

Be patient. Sometimes it may take a few seconds for data to appear on the map. It all depends on how much other work the GIS servers are trying to do at the same time.

You can pan the map to anywhere in the world and the MODIS and VIIRS satellite hotspot data will be displayed . For wildland fires in the USA the map has additional GIS overlay layers that can be displayed. For a version of this map with additional GIS layers for fires in Canada see

Everyone is welcome to share and repost this map link. There is no need to ask first. Please follow these simple rules:

1. Encourage your readers to click the "Map Tips" link in the upper left corner so they can learn how to get the most benefit from the map.

2. Include in your post a credit thanking

3. If you are news media or a government agency, please use the 'Contact' link near the top of this page to send me a link to where you are using the map. I enjoy knowing where the map is being used.

4. Unless you are news media, do not use this map link for any commercial purpose.

If you arrived at this page as the result of an internet search then here are the GISsurfer map links:

Open the map and show satellite hotspot data:,-110.698242&zoom=5&basemap=USA_basemap&overlay=VIIRS_7_day,MODIS_7_day&txtfile=

Open the map short link:

The map is displayed by GISsurfer which is a general purpose web map that is based on the free open-source Leaflet API (Application Program Interface). It can be used by anyone for any non-commercial purpose. Providing this web map software is a public service and part of my way to "pay it forward". Please note that by using GISsurfer you now have an obligation to do something yourself to "pay it forward" in your own way.

Here is a quick way to learn the most useful features of any GISsurfer map.
1. Open the GISsurfer homepage (
2. Click the big green "Menu" button and select "Help".
3. Scroll down a bit on the help page and read the "Overview" section.

GISsurfer will display either a touch-friendly interface or a mouse-oriented interface depending on the type of device you use to open a map.

Many GISsurfer maps will have various GIS overlay layers that you can turn on/off and restack. You can click on the 'top' GIS overlay and see all the attribute data the GIS server has for the thing that you clicked. If the attribute data includes a link, then you can click that link for even more information. If you need help to understand what 'top' GIS overlay means, then please open the homepage and read the "Overview" section.

The GISsurfer help page has links to YouTube video tutorials and also PDF tutorials. The PDFs have a few more examples and detail than the videos.

Also if you are just starting to learn about GISsurfer, then if you open the help page and scroll down past the links you will find an 'Overview' section. If you read that section first then you will have a good understanding of the GISsurfer basics.

The map legend has moved to its own web page.
Map legend

The basemap button is next to the "Menu" button and always displays the name of the current basemap. If you click the basemap button then you can change the basemap and also turn the overlays on/off. Mobile uses will need to tap the basemap button and then scroll down to the "Overlays" section.

As you change basemaps and turn overlays on/off, remember that it may take a few seconds (or longer) for the data to appear on your screen. The response time varies based on how busy the server is that is hosting that data. The bandwidth and congestion of your internet connection is also a factor.

To see the USGS 1:24,000 scale topographic maps turn on the basemap titled "USA scanned topo". These are seamless scans of the paper maps that the USGS stopped publishing some years ago. These maps look the best when the 'scale' in one corner of the map shows 2000 feet or 1000 feet.

Several of the basemaps show aerials. The "Esri aerial clarity" basemap is often a higher resolution than the "ESRI aerial newer" basemap. On the other hand, the "clarity" aerials are likely 15 or more years old. Despite being older the "clarity" aerials can be useful for locating 'social' trails in areas where there is not tree cover. If you turn on an aerial basemap then it might be useful to also turn on the overlay "ESRI roads and labels".

This map can always display true color images collected by the two MODIS satellites (Aqua and Terra) and by the two satellites with VIIRS instrumentation (NOAA-20 and SNPP). The map includes a basemap for each of these four satellites.

Each satellite scans the entire earth twice per day, once during the daytime and once at night. When you turn on a basemap you will see the most recent image collected by that satellite. If your screen is black, then you are looking at a nighttime image. Just try one of the other satellite basemaps.

Click the basemap button to see the list of overlays. Click an overlay name to turn it on. Click it again to turn it off.

An overlay name with a number in front is 'on'. The highest numbered overlay is 'on top' and can be clicked to show all the attribute data the GIS server has for the thing that you clicked. Sometimes the attribute data includes links that lead to more information.

The attribute display also includes a link titled "Visit GIS server". That link will display a page from the table of contents for the GIS server. If you open that page then look at the heading "Service Description". Sometimes you will see useful metadata.

If the map is displaying several overlays then you can move any overlay to the 'top' by turning it off and then turning it back on.

Remember - only the 'top' overlay is clickable. Also the order with which you turn on various overlays can greatly affect the appearance of the map. Each time you turn an overlay on it is displayed 'on top' of any overlays that are already on.

If you have trouble seeing data on the map then you can change the basemap to "All white basemap". Or try one of the aerial basemaps.

About the data

The map can display fire data from two sources. One data source is satellites that detect heat. The terms MODIS and VIIRS refer to this satellite hotspot data. There are two MODIS satellites and two VIIRS satellites. Together there are eight satellite passes each 24 hours. Satellite data is not 'real time'. The good news is that due to technology improvements at NASA in 2022 MODIS/VIIRS data can appear on the map within 30 minutes of when a satellite detects heat. This is vastly better than the old lag period of 3-4 hours! However during the middle part of the day there generally are no satellite passes so all the MODIS/VIIRS data on the map is several hours old.

If you open the map and do not see any MODIS/VIIRS data (triangles/squares), then here is the reason. In order to avoid overwhelming their server NASA limits any map to 5,000 transactions per 10 minute period. Since the map I produce is popular, there will be times when that rate limit is reached. If that happens to you just wait a few minutes and then try re-opening the map. I am suggesting to the NASA FIRMS team that they produce a csv file with their "ultra real time" MODIS/VIIRS data. If NASA agrees to produce such a csv file then I will host that csv file on my server and this problem will go away.

The map an also display data from the GOES satellite. Since this heat detection data is at a coarser scale it appears on the map as large colored squares. Red squares are the hottest. This data refreshes every 15 minutes. You will need to turn the GOES layer off and then back on to see the new data.

In addition to data from satellites the map also displays data collected by airplanes. For larger fires there often is a late afternoon or evening overflight by an plane equipped with infrared sensing gear. That data is reviewed by an analyst who determines the latest perimeter (red and black line on GISsurfer map ) and areas of intense (red), scattered (yellow) and isolated heat (red dots). This infrared data can show hotspots that are below the MODIS/VIIRS satellite detection threshold.

Some of the other hotspot maps you might see only display the satellite data and do not display the infrared data.

For larger fires there often is a nighttime overflight by a plane equipped with infrared sensing gear. Those flights are part of the National Infrared Operations program.

That infrared data is analyzed in the wee hours and a new fire perimeter is determined. The analyst also determines where there is intense heat, scattered heat and isolated heat. The infared analysts puts all that data into a KML/KMZ file which is hosted on an FTP server operated by the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC). (A KMZ file is a KML file that has been compressed) The analyst also produces various PDF maps which are also uploaded to that server. For larger fires, this is the primary fire perimeter data that GISsurfer displays.

If you look at a GISsurfer link and see a "fire" parameter (example: &fire=NM,Black), then the map will display the perimeter and related data from an infrared flight over a specific fire. The only way to open the map and not see that data is for you to edit the map link and delete the "fire" parameter. You can copy the map link from your browser bar or by clicking Menu ==> Link to this map.

However, the Leaflet API (map building atoms used by GISsurfer) does not have native support for displaying KML/KMZ files. Also fire staff use several very different layouts for the KML/KMZ file and sometimes the resulting KMZ file is packaged into a zip file along with other stuff. As a result, most fire maps you see do not display the perimeter data from the NIFC server.

When there is a large active fire I get up early and run code I developed that reads the KMZ file (or zip file) from the NIFC server and converts that data into a GeoJSON file which I host on my server. If you see a fire perimeter that is a red and black line when you open GISsurfer, then you are seeing one of those GeoJSON files.

When any of my fire maps include perimeter data (red/black line) then that perimeter data is only for a single fire. When a different fire also has perimeter data available on the NIFC server, then I will produce a different link to show the perimeter data for that different fire.

The map can display two GIS overlay layers of heat detection data that are sensed by satellites. There are 8 satellite passes each 24 hours. The older system is MODIS and the newer system is VIIRS.

The satellite heat detection data is hosted by NASA in several different formats.

As of July 12, 2022 GISsurfer uses NASA's WMS server to display the last seven days of MODIS/VIIRS heat detection data. New data is added to this server within 30 minutes of when a satellite detects heat. The symbols are color coded to how long ago heat was detected.
    Dark red - under 6 hours
    Red - from 6 to 12 hours
    Orange - from 12 to 24 hours
    Yellow - more than 24 hours

Here is the NASA FAQ.

Please keep the following important points in mind so you do not misinterpret the hotspot data.

1. The hotspot locations shown on the map are not exact! The actual hotspot on the ground might be some distance from the symbol. See more information under the MODIS and VIIRS buttons below.

2. There can be 'false positives'. Sometimes a hit will be made on a hot smoke plume with a lot of suspended organic material. The plume might have blown some distance from the actual fire. Here is a NASA webpage that explains why sometimes there are false positive hotspots.

3. The satellites will never see some areas that actually burned. A small fire that is smoldering and sending up lots of smoke but not burning very hot, might not be detected by the satellites. Heavy smoke might prevent the satellites from detecting areas that are burning. An area that is mainly grass might burn quickly and then cool below the detection threshold before the next satellite pass.

There are various websites where you can find out the time when a satellite will likely collect heat detection data for a fire. Within 30 minutes GISsurfer will be able to display any new data. The times shown on these websites are usually UTC so you will need to convert to local time.

The NASA FIRMS map is at To track satellites use the right sidebar to turn on "Orbit tracks and Overpass times".

The NASA Worldview site also provides satellite tracking.,27.76162455506531,-103.28138507867843,49.20835700146256&l=VIIRS_SNPP_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,MODIS_Combined_Thermal_Anomalies_All,MODIS_Aqua_Thermal_Anomalies_All,OrbitTracks_Aqua_Descending,OrbitTracks_Aqua_Ascending,OrbitTracks_Terra_Descending,OrbitTracks_Terra_Ascending,OrbitTracks_Suomi_NPP_Descending,OrbitTracks_Suomi_NPP_Ascending,VIIRS_SNPP_Thermal_Anomalies_375m_Night,VIIRS_SNPP_Thermal_Anomalies_375m_Day,Reference_Labels,Reference_Features,Coastlines.

Another satellite tracking site is
To find the two MODIS satellites search on Terra or Aqua.
To find the two satellites with VIIRS sensors, search on Suomi or NOAA-20.

There are two MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellites called Aqua and Terra. Each MODIS 'hit' represents a one square kilometer (1km =~0.6mi) box that contain one or more fire locations. Actual fire can be anywhere inside that box. In other words, when you see a MODIS symbol on the map the actual spot detected might easily be more than a quarter mile in any direction.

Note that the map has a scale symbol in the lower right corner.

Here are links where you can read more about the MODIS data.


University of Maryland

VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) refers to a sensor that is onboard the Suomi-NPP (Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership) satellite and also onboard the NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) satellite.

Each VIIRS symbol on the map represents the center of a box that is 375 meters x 375 meters. (375 meters =~ 0.23 miles) The actual detected hotspot(s) might be anywhere inside that box.

NASA says "[t]he 3,040 km VIIRS swath enables ~15% image overlap between consecutive orbits at the equator, thereby providing full global coverage every 12 hours and mid-latitudes will experience 3-4 looks a day."

Here are some links with more information about the VIIRS satellite.


University of Maryland


Here are two pages from the GISsurfer website that have links to other interactive recreation maps. Each map can display multiple overlay layers of data that are hosted on government GIS servers.

National park maps

USFS, BLM and NOAA maps

You can use any of these maps to make georeferenced screenshots. Click Menu > Screenshot mode.

This is a consulting service I offer. Each client receives a map link that will display the google aerial and the approximate property lines for the client's land. A geolocation symbol can be turned on to show the user's location.

Each map is custom made using software I developed to process either a land survey or property legal description provided by the client. As a result, these maps will almost always be more accurate than the county GIS parcel data.

One common use is to help find survey stakes at property corners. This map will get you close. For more information, please see

One of the main features of GISsurfer is its ability to display data that is hosted on government GIS (Geographical Information System) servers. The link below will display a curated PDF file with the internet address for 3,000+ government GIS servers. These are at all levels of government from federal down to city. Each link is scanned by my code once per week and any bad links are either fixed or flagged. An updated list is usually posted every Wednesday.

If you ever need to call 911 you can either (A) assume that some technology will automatically display your location on the dispatcher's screen or (B) tell the dispatcher your location.

The three best ways to tell the dispatcher your location are:
1. Street address
2. Narrative description. Example: South side of the Home Depot parking lot.
3. Latitude longitude coordinates and accuracy value.
Example: 47.370121,-120.912094, 15 feet

FindMeSAR ( is a Progressive Web App (PWA aka Web App) I developed so everyone can have a super easy and fast way to do #3. It uses the GPS in your phone to display your coordinates and accuracy value. The "Next format" button loops through several coordinate formats, including USNG/MGRS.

The yellow screen displays your location in latitude longitude decimal degrees. All 911 call centers understand this format.

After the accuracy value gets to 100 feet or less then a button appears that will copy the coordinates and accuracy value to the clipboard. You can then paste that information into a text message, email or note.

FindMeSAR can be installed on both iOS and Android devices. It will then work fine offline. For installation instructions, open it with your browser and tap "Tips" and scroll down to the section titled "FindMeSAR can work offline". It is not in any app store. If you want to install it then you need to follow the instructions that are provided.

Here is the reason why I developed this web app. A few years ago I did a deep dive into documents on the FCC website. Below is a link to a PDF report I produced that will tell you what I learned. Anyone who reads the report will likely be convinced that it is *critically important* that everyone have an easy way to use their phone in a stressful emergency to display their coordinates (latitude longitude in decimal degrees) *and* accuracy value.

Open PDF:

Yes, some 911 call centers have additional technology such as RapidSOS that might be able to produce coordinates for you when the "phase 2" coordinates (described in the PDF report) fail. But instead of betting someone’s life on the assumption that the 911 call center has some tech that can generate accurate coordinates for you, a much better plan is for you to give the dispatcher your (1) latitude longitude in *decimal degrees* and (2) the equally important accuracy value.

If you want to use the FindMeSAR web app I developed, great. This project is a open source public service and part of my way to "pay it forward". Anyone can look at the source code via their browser. But if you have some other way to easily display your coordinates and accuracy value in a stressful emergency, that is fine too. The point here is that everyone (spouse, kids, crazy uncle Harry, etc) should have some easy way to display their coordinates and accuracy value if they ever need to call/text 911.