Do you already have some GIS savvy?
1. Click the following link to start GISsurfer and then zoom in a bit on a state, county or city where you would like to look at some GIS data.,-94.658203&zoom=4&basemap=USA_basemap
2. Click the basemap button (next to the 'Menu' button).
3. Look under the 'Overlay' heading (mobile users scroll down) and click 'Add GIS overlays'.
4. Paste in the address for an ArcGIS server and click 'Send request to GIS server'.
5. If you get stuck, each interface screen related to surfing GIS data has a 'Help' button.
If you would like to find an ArcGIS server that has data for your area, then here is a PDF file that I curate with about 3,000+ addresses for ArcGIS servers from local to federal.
Are you are new to GIS and GISsurfer? Here is the 'Help' page from the GISsurfer website.
1. For a quick introduction to GISsurfer, please read the 'Overview' section.
2. Then near the top of the 'Help' page click the link for the PDF file with tips for surfing GIS servers.